Burnside Environmental Group staff includes former EPA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulatory and technical experts which are experienced in all major environmental enforcement actions. Their areas of regulatory expertise include the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, a.k.a. Superfund); the Clean Water Act (CWA; Direct discharge, Pretreatment, Storm Water, and Section 404 Wetlands actions); Oil Pollution Act (OPA); the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA); Clean Air Act (CAA; Asbestos/NESHAP; falsification under the CAA); the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA; PCBs); Endangered Species Act; Lacey Act; Eagle Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. We are able to provide clients with:
- Evaluating the strength, quality and applicability of evidence developed by the government
- Evaluating government sampling protocols and analytical results
- Regulatory compliance evaluations of environmental matters
- Providing reviews, response strategies, and outcome options for government investigations that may result in enforcement actions
and litigation - Penalty policy assessments
- Engineering and technical assessments of government litigation claims
- Technical and regulatory evaluations of waste water and storm water collection/treatment systems
- Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Determinations for “Waters of the United States”
- Delineation of affected wetlands and other aquatic resources
- Section 404 permitting strategies, including alternatives analyses, adverse impact minimization, and practical compensatory
mitigation concepts - Development, implementation and oversight of wetland restoration and creation plans
- State and federal threatened and endangered species surveys and assessments
- Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Eagle Protection Act compliance reviews and surveys
- Alternative Dispute Resolution related to environmental matters
- Expert Witness Testimony on environmental regulatory and technical matters