Theodore O. Meiggs

Theodore O. Meiggs, Ph.D. Associate
Theodore O. Meiggs

Dr. Meiggs is a chemist with extensive expertise in environmental investigations, remediation, analytical testing, data quality, and laboratory support for industrial compliance with environmental regulations.  He has successfully advised industrial clients and their attorneys on these issues and has been recognized as an expert witness on these matters in numerous legal proceedings.  Dr. Meiggs also has expertise in the area of environmental remediation where he developed, demonstrated, and patented innovative technologies for cleaning up contaminated soils and groundwater at government and industrial waste sites throughout the USA.

Previously, Dr. Meiggs served as one of the top scientists in the Enforcement Office of the U.S. EPA.  As an Assistant Director of EPA’s National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC) for many years, he planned and managed the laboratory support for hundreds of complex investigations to determine compliance by many types of industries with all of the federal environmental laws and regulations.  Dr. Meiggs designed facilities and recruited an expert staff who utilized the full range of modern analytical techniques to test complex environmental and waste materials for chemical and microbial pollutants.  He was instrumental in helping to develop the Chain of Custody and other operating procedures used by the NEIC for evidence handling and reporting for both civil and criminal case investigations. He served as the first Technical Director of the EPA’s Contract Laboratory Program. He represented the EPA at international meetings with the International Standardization Organization (ISO).  He provided training for regional, state and local investigators and taught at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.  He also served as the government’s technical expert on a number of important environmental compliance cases.


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Chemistry (1963), San Jose State College, San Jose, California
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Chemistry/Biophysics (1970), Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois

pdf Theodore Meiggs’ Bio/CV