Environmental Monitors and Auditors

auditorsBurnside Environmental Group provides sophisticated independent monitoring, auditing and compliance services required under the terms of administrative agreements developed by government agencies, usually associated with suspension or debarment actions. These actions often arise from criminal investigations by the U. S. EPA Office of Criminal Enforcement.  Our expertise with audits, ethics and environmental regulatory requirements ensures that the Client and U. S. EPA receive appropriate information that will facilitate compliance and satisfy the requirements of administrative agreements.  We understand what the U. S. EPA expects and how to assist clients in complying with all requirements of administrative agreements.

We also provide general ethics and compliance evaluation services to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of corporate compliance and ethics programs. Our experience with EPA and as Independent Monitors/Auditors assists clients to successfully implement practices and procedures that will minimize risk, build an organizational culture of integrity and compliance, and meet the requirements of judicial or administrative agreements.  Our Group can provide:

  • Independent Monitors
  • Independent Auditors
  • Environmental Compliance Audits
  • Worker and environmental compliance training