Burnside Environmental Group staff are seasoned environmental professionals with decades of experience in environmental investigations and enforcement proceedings. Prior to leaving government service, many of our Associates were recognized as experts in their fields. This combination of experience and knowledge is unique. Burnside Environmental Group is able to provide expert witness services in support of enforcement and litigation matters related to U. S EPA criminal investigative procedures, hazardous waste (RCRA), PCBs, Oil Pollution Act (OPA), storm water and surface water discharges (Clean Water Act), wetlands (Clean Water Act Section 404), wildlife, chemical analyses, laboratory procedures, and the application of civil/criminal environmental regulations and standard operating procedures. Expert witness services include:
- Investigative, technical and regulatory support for litigation and arbitration hearings
- Review of criminal investigative standard operating procedures
- Analysis and critical review of regulatory and technical matters related to government enforcement allegations
- Evaluation of the strength and applicability of evidence in environmental criminal enforcement matters
- Evaluations of government sampling protocols and analytical results
- Quality Control/Quality Assurance reviews of government analytical data
- Analysis and testimony regarding government sampling and analytical results
- Duplication of government sampling by conducting environmental sampling of soil and water media
- Testimony at government hearings, arbitrations and court trials