Posts by admin

Regulatory creep: when federal ‘voluntary payments’ become mandatory

Posted by on Nov 24, 2016 in News Media | Comments Off on Regulatory creep: when federal ‘voluntary payments’ become mandatory

A little-known effort by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is underway to force private companies to pay mitigation for perfectly legal impacts to migratory birds and their habitat. A wonky system of “voluntary payments” to offset authorized and lawful impacts to bird habitat has become a de facto requirement for the agency’s approval of certain development projects. Though this effort is classic bureaucratic, inside the Beltway baseball politics, it reeks of the kind of regulatory creep that so many in Washington and the country at large have condemned. As the former...

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Posted by on Aug 2, 2016 in RevSlider | Comments Off on RevSlider


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Complex Compliance

Posted by on Nov 3, 2013 in Slider | Comments Off on Complex Compliance

Complex Compliance

Complex Compliance and Enforcement Issues? Our experts have spent decades interpreting and enforcing complex government environmental and wildlife regulations.

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Get Ahead

Posted by on Nov 3, 2013 in Slider | Comments Off on Get Ahead

Get Ahead

Need to Get Ahead of the Government? Burnside has the knowledge and experience to anticipate and prepare for responses to government investigations and enforcement actions. Add experience to your team of professionals with our decades of experience in government.

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Focused Investigations

Posted by on Nov 3, 2013 in Slider | Comments Off on Focused Investigations

Focused Investigations

Our team delivers fact finding investigations which cut to the core of pertinent issues in a timely and cost effective manner.

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